Enlargement of vignette from 1920s composite postcard of Eydon, showing the Elms, Lime Avenue.
The front of the Elms has a low wall or fence on the street side, with no sign of the glass house that was there in the earlier (1890s?) photos. The Helm Oak, which was removed to prevent damage to the walls of the house in the 2000s was barely up to the top of the second floor windows.
On the other side of the road we get a glimpse of two small houses at the junction of Lime Avenue and Byfield Road. They and their gardens occupied what is now part of the roadside verge. In 1910 one of the houses was used as a store and garage by Pettifers for their animal medicine business based in the village.
These two houses were knocked down in the 1960s to improve visibility on the corner.
Photographer: Unknown professional
Image lent by : Alison Parsons
Connected Photos: AP051 | AP051a | AP051b | AP051c | AP051d | AP051e | AP051f
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SKU: AP051g
Eydon Village Photo Archive
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