Sun Picture of Eydon Church from South East
One of the range of photos taken in 1868, known locally as the 'Sun Pictures'. This shows the restoration work almost finished on St Nicholas Church in Eydon. The church was reopened for services with a celebratory service and luncheon on the 1st June 1864 following major restoration. The east window in the new south aisle (at the centre of the picture) is shown blocked up awaiting the new tracery and glass. In fact the window and its surrounding stonework are all that remain of the old south aisle. It looks to be a simple round headed window, soon to be replaced with a wider pointed arch window, dedicated to Rev Arthur Empson who was the main mover of the restoration. Close inspection of the east wall of the south aisle show the original stone work with evidence of alterations to below the window and the corner buttress, which was not finished at this date. Many grave mounds in the foreground but without any headstones - not affordable by many village workpeople. This photo clearly shows the Preaching Cross to the south west of the chancel.
Photographer: Mr John Harrington
Image lent by : Mr David Kench
Connected Photos: KL039 | KL038 | DK001 | DK002 | DK003 | DK004 | DK005a
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SKU: DK005
Eydon Village Photo Archive
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