Private William Edden First World War Memorial Board in Eydon Village Hall.
Born in Eydon in 1881, son of James Edden, an agricultural labourer and his wife Elizabeth. Bill lived at home and never married. He worked for Pettifer's Herbal Veterinary Medicine business in the village, and Syd Tyrrell notes he was slow moving and had splay feet! At the start of the War he took some of Pettifer's requisitioned horses over to Weedon Barracks, liked what he saw, so walked to Northampton and signed up with the Northants Regiment.
In July 1916 he was wounded by sniper who put a bullet across his back as he was rebuilding a trench with sandbags. On leave in Eydon, he told Syd Tyrrell a few tales of the front. He rejoined his Regiment, at this time on the Somme and was killed in action - grave unknown in Oct 1916. He was 35 years old.
Photographer: Unknown professional
Image lent by : Dr Kevin Lodge
Connected Photos: KL095 | KL096 | KL097 | KL099 | KL100 | KL101
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Eydon Village Photo Archive
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