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Mechanisation comes to Blackbird Hill Farm, which can be seen in the background. Fordson tractor and small square baler replace the earlier horses. Fred Leadbeater on the tractor, with Frank stacking bales. May have been taken in mid to late 50s. In the foreground is a finger mower, in which small triangular blades move across and back over finger-like combs holding the hay. It was notoriously unreliable, frequently jamming and needing freeing up. It was also very dangerous and many farm workers lost fingers or thumbs whist clearing it. It was reputed to have even taken the hind legs off a sheep! 10 acres of hay, 12 times round the field, was reckoned to be a good morning's work with this kit.

Photographer: Unknown

Image lent by : Mr John Leadbeater

Connected Photos: KL064 | KL068

Mechanisation at Blackbird Hill Farm

SKU: KL071

Eydon Village Photo Archive

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