Emily Bishop and her cat in a garden, early 1950s.
Emily Bishop was the wife of John Bishop, salesman for Pettifer's veterinary medicine manufacturers, (see IB002) and mother of a son (John) Hunter and daughters Gladys and Dorothy. She lived in the now demolished cottage between Stoneleigh and Greystones Cottage at the top of Hill View.
This might be that garden, looking across to where Pettifers grew some of their herbs, or might be in Hanbury Fields in Banbury, where she moved in 1950 to live with her daughters after her husband died. Given the presence of concrete posts and wire fence, it is more likely to be the latter. Emily died in 1954, aged 87.
Photographer: Unknown
Image lent by : Mrs D. Richardson
Connected Photos: IB002
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SKU: IB003
Eydon Village Photo Archive
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