The felling of the Cross Tree (an elm) on the green on Sunday 5th November 1978.
The tree was completely hollow and rotten with its death sealed by Dutch Elm disease. The trunk had a girth of 17'6" (5.3m) at its base. The man up in the tree is Robert Colton (Jack Colton's son); the person in the dark red jumper is John Grindlay; the person on the right in dark trousers and jumper with a coil of rope is Bert Manton. The person up the ladder in a jacket is not in my photo so cannot be named - might have been Ronnie Pettifer as he always wore a jacket ! See DK063 for another view of the tree being demolished, and DK062 for a view of the tree in its prime.
Photographer: Mr David Kench
Image lent by : Mr David Kench
Connected Photos: DK063 | DK062
Demolition of Cross Tree on Green, 1978
SKU: DK142