Catalogue of sale, at Red Lion in Banbury, of Eydon Estate with details of four cottages, including Post Office and shop.
The first lot, now part of 3 High Street, was a 2 up/1 down cottage, let to Uriah Edwards. He was a farm labourer and part time fireman and a member of Foresters. He can be seen in KL041 and DK010. The second lot, also now part of 3 High Street, was a 1 up/1 down cottage, sharing the earth closet with Uriah Edwards, let to Christopher Hartwell. The 3rd lot, is an old stone and thatch 3 bedroom cottage let to William Ward for 8 Guineas per annum. It is now known as 5 High Street. The last lot on this page was the Post Office and shop, let to Mr G Hawkins for £13 pa. It consisted of the shop with Post Office, a telegraph room and 2 more down and 3 up. Now known as 7 High Street. None of these cottages appear to have been sold. Image lent by : Mrs Margie Davies
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