The dedication of the rehung and augmented bells at St Nicholas Church Eydon on 6th December 1981.
As the bells were unsafe before restoration, they had not been rung for many years, so the tower captains of Byfield, Woodford, Wilton, Culworth & Daventry all helped to teach a totally new band of ringers at Eydon.
Here we see the Rt. Rev. Douglas Feaver, Bishop of Peterborough, assisted by Geoff Woods, blessing the newly rehung bells. Ringing the bells behind them from the left: John Townley of Wilton, Ernie Lines from Eydon, Hugh Johnson of Daventry and Derek Thornton of Woodford in the red shirt behind the Bishop.
Photographer: Mr David Kench
Image lent by : Mr David Kench
Connected Photos: DK036 | DK037 | DK039 | DK040 | KL111 | KL080 | KL113
Blessing the Restored Bells, 1981
SKU: DK038