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Lime Avenue with, in the centre, the Royal Oak, run by Clarrie and Annie Bricknell, at this time about half way through her 50 year tenure. (see DK050)

In the car park is a blue car - possibly a Morris Minor - the first car - as opposed to the tractor in the road - seen on this flight. 

On the road by the tractor is just about the only patch of colour in the photo, the bright red sign for the Royal Oak - 'A Phipps house'. The land behind the Royal Oak was at this time the orchard of 15 High Street, at the top of the picture.

At the back left of the pub, in Blacksmiths Lane, can be seen a new house (with a grey roof) being built in what was the garden of the old Forge. This was built in 1964, so, with no sign of the maisonettes in the field opposite the pub which were built in 1965, this suggest a date for these photos of the winter on 1964. [A full history of the 20th century buildings of Eydon can be found in 'Paupers. Pupils & Prisoners', the second volume of EHRG research reports, available via our publications page.]

This photo is one of a series taken of the village by Skyview Archives, copies of which can be obtained from them at quoting for this image J940-6.

Photographer: Skyview Archives Ltd

Image lent by : Mr Darren Powell SVA

Connected Photos: SV001 - SV026 range

1960s Aerial Photo of Royal Oak pub

SKU: SV006

Eydon Village Photo Archive

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