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27th and 28th September, 1980 Two members of the cast of the radio programme "The Archers" opened the Steam Rally

This was organised to raise money for the bells restoration at church. Here they sign autographs for members of the public in the field off Lime Avenue (R. Batchelor's). They played the parts of Dan Archer and Carol Tregorran. Mrs Arthur Cleaver (43 High Street) on left with back to camera. The programme for the Fayre and Rally is shown in KL080 onwards, whilst one of the stalls is in KL113.

Photographer: Mr David Kench

Image lent by : Mr David Kench

Connected Photos: KL080 | KL080a | KL080b | KL113

'The Archers' open the Steam Rally, 1980

SKU: DK148

Eydon Village Photo Archive

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