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Sid Edwards at Fernlea Cottage, Eydon.

Sid Edward's secure job on the railway meant that he was able to buy their house at Fernlea, circa 1926 for £100. Sid and Lucy lived there for the rest of their lives. Fernlea is a three bay building in Eydon stone, once two cottages, one larger than the other, now knocked together. The windows and doors have distinctive three part lintels with a central keystone, suggesting the house was built late 18th, early 19th century, almost certainly on the site of an earlier house. There is a local story that the house was once a hospital 'in plague times', but given its age, and the fact that it is surrounded on three sides by other houses so it is hardly isolated, there may be more to the story than we currently know. Sid seems quite young and looks very smart in his big cap, so maybe this photo was taken soon after they bought the cottage, making it late 20s, early 30s. The garden wall is in its original, plain, form. It was later (possibly in the 1940s) crenelated. Several of the capping bricks on the wall are hand made and inscribed 'Jubilee 1887'.


Photographer: Unknown

Image lent by : Mrs Yvonne Ayres

Connected Photos: KL156 | KL163 | KL195 | KL202 | KL188

Sid Edwards outside Fernlea Cottage

SKU: KL158

Eydon Village Photo Archive

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