Programme for Eydon Fayre and Working Rally, 27 -28 September 1980.
Pages 6 & 7, the first pages of the Guide to the Exhibits scattered around the village. These include wheelwrights, a working thrashing area, vintage car displays and working crafts area including metal work, glassblowing, wood carving, gunsmiths and stained glass work. There were also a display of falcons and a fortune teller.
Photographer: Unknown
Image lent by : Mr Frank Hedges
Connected Photos: KL080 | KL080a | KL080b | KL080d | KL080e | KL080f | KL080g | KL080h | KL080i
Programme for Eydon Fayre & Working Rally, 1980. Pages 6 & 7
SKU: KL080c