This photo is taken a little further south than SV011 and looks at the junction of High Street and Partridge Lane.
Until the 1970s, there were no house numbers in the village and everyone chose there own house names. Despite the small size of the village - about 150 houses at this time - there were several duplications, including three 'The Bungalow's.
Here we see two Home Farms, the one on the left of the picture, owned by the Lines, with the cattle in the back yard, and the other on the High Street opposite the junction, between the tractor and the car.
On the High Street can be seen the red brick built shop, with at this time, just the single shop window and door in the corner.
This photo is one of a series taken of the village by Skyview Archives, copies of which can be obtained from them at quoting for this image J940-12.
Photographer: Skyview Archives Ltd
Image lent by : Mr Darren Powell SVA
Connected Photos: SV001 - SV026 range
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SKU: SV012
Eydon Village Photo Archive
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